Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Breaking News

  The ladies of the Pacific Algona Community Center have now completed 200 handmade Purple Baby Hats to donate to hospitals as a way of educating new parents of shaken baby syndrome. More information for this project can be found in the crochet section of this blog as well as a really cute pattern.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hot Latte’ Place Mats



   This is a posting devoted to some really cool fabrics I bought at our Sewing Expo Show. I seldom buy much fabric unless it is something I consider to be quite impressive.   I bought a whole panel of this quilt fabric for just $3.75.   Let me show you some of the design squares before I show what I made from them.


    I bought the fabric to make kitchen items for my daughters first home.   Her entire kitchen is done in a coffee theme.   And has the feel of a true espresso café. She has many different patterns in her kitchen but all keep with a same color scheme. I used my panel of fabric to create Place mats and kitchen towels to add to her collection.   I had never made placemats before but they were very easy.   Here is my first attempt.


  And here are some more…..


  I wanted to use as much of the fabric as possible to carry the theme, and when I couldn’t make another placemat I finished up with coffee towels.   She has a good sized collection of all kinds of kitchen towels but none like the ones I’ll be posting tomorrow.   Have a great week, with love from The Victorian Rabbit.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Simple Baby Blanket


  I get these ideas…sometimes when I look at the simplest things.  These are baby blankets that sell at Walgreens for about a dollar.  They are are actually sold in three packs for three dollars a pack. When I looked at them I noticed they had a blanket stitch to finish them and a blanket stitch can be a great anchor for a simple crocheted border. so I bought a couple of packs eons ago. I added a border while watching TV. And like I said in an earlier post I turn all my small bits of yarn into roses and leaves that I can pull out and add to a project on a whim.


They come in lots of patterns in pinks blues and yellows. This is a very fast project, and can be completed using up scrap yarn. They make great baby shower gifts too.


  I didn’t want to post a border stitch pattern because I seldom use the same one and I make them up as I go. This particular one is a shell border and a second row of two chains and a picot in the top of each shell from the first row. I hope you enjoy this little project. Have a great week , with love from the Victorian Rabbit.

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Boogieboard Cottage
Transformation Thursday

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pantry Make Over Projects


Most people would look at this picture and say “yep you have a shelf and food”. But what I'm showing is something I consider amazing.

  Anyone who has had these built in wire shelves could tell you they can be very hard to to stack cans on. My cans were constantly falling.  I thought I was the only one having these issues until I read a blog where a guy who had the same problem claimed to have the answer. If you can believe this he was using bungee cords to keep his can goods on these wire shelves. He was running dollar store bungee cords across each shelf for each row of canned goods and securing the cords on the vertical poles holding the shelves up. Boy did that look messy.

  My idea was to reuse the wood from a collapsed set of of  book shelves I had bought at wally world. Adding a plank to each shelf. They already were the perfect width. They were already painted a lovely shade of black so all that was left was to cut them to length.


  This project was very simple and it solved the problem of falling cans. I can now stack my shelves three high if I want. I will go back and touch up the seam pieces with black paint but I love the look and the shelves themselves are so much more usable.

  Have a great week..With love from the Victorian Rabbit.


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Transformation Thursday

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Little Towels for Christmas Gifts


  The Bunnies' been busy…. Here are some Christmas towels I have made.   The towels were purchased at the Dollar Tree.   I found the border print at Wally World.   I just love snowmen. I made many sets of same color towels but am showing both color designs.

   Because the towels have a serger kind of blanket stitch They are very easy to add a crocheted border to. When I first tried these I made the project much harder than it needed to be adding interfacing behind the border prints. It is not needed, and so much easier not to use.

The borders were cut then a trim fabric was added to each side. I kept the fabric in large rolls while the trims awaited their turn to adorn.

  I measured the towels and marked with chalk to get the right placement and sewed the seam. I made the seam a completed rectangle to cover the sides of towels also.


  I hope you enjoy this project have a great week….. with love from the Victorian Rabbit.

BWS tips buttonThirty Hand Made Days 

Boogieboard CottageTransformation Thursday